| Danny Elfman Midi's |  |
Here for you to enjoy, midi's by, as my friend would say, "Danny Mutha F***in' Elfman!" (don't forget the big guns!)
Breakfast Machine
(everybody's favorite!)
Tales From The Crypt
Family Dog
Edward Scissorhands
This Is Halloween
This Is Halloween
(another version)
This Is Halloween
(yet another version)
Jack's Lament
Kidnap The Sandy Claws
Kidnap The Sandy Claws
(another version)
Making Christmas
Jack's Obsession
Oogie Boogie's Song
Poor Jack
Sally's Song
Sally's Song
(another version)
Sally's Song
(yet an...blah blah blah)
Sally's Song
(...do I need to bother?)
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
(you know the drill)
The Simpsons
(you can never get enough Danny)
This Is Halloween...
(I don't know how
this got down here
Town Meeting Song
What's This?